1600 SQ Feet/ 149 SQ Meters Modern House Plan
1600 SQ feet/ 149 SQ Meters Modern House Plan With Double Stories House Plan and Beautiful Exterior Design, In This 1600 SQ feet/ 149 SQ Meters Modern House Plan all facilities in side in very food manner as you can see wide bed room with attached bathroom kitchen drawing room living room dining room and car garage and beautiful lawn and second first floor you can see also bedroom with attached baths and also beautiful terrace. so see and like,

House Plan Details,
Total Area | Ground Floor | First Floor | Bedrooms | Bathrooms | Kitchen | Livingroom | Drawing Room | Tares | Garage |
1600 | 950 | 650 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |